duminică, 23 decembrie 2018

Ploaia însăți

(Foto: Eric Lacombe) 

a încetat
ploaia însăți
un colț de acoperiș
mai fumegă
ca o îngenunchere
sleită de mușchi
plecați dupa foste ape
și ții un roi de înaripate
scurte într-o bucată de vară
nu știi
îți tragi mâna
ce ocolește ca o întrebare
altor lumi scârțâie
pe urmele tale
de-a lungul unei
poteci boreale
ce stă răsucită
oglindită în spatele tău
privești ca un ghem
cu sfiala unui donjon
ce se rostogolește
drept prin secole.

marți, 6 noiembrie 2018

Open the tombs of November

                                                           (Foto: Natalia Drepina)

You blink gray
to fade
holder of spears and honey
you jingle
no borders in a row

I see waves
greater than my childhood
what is weaving
in velvet fluttering loss
I feel it here under
your glowing limb now
wich was made in times unknown
to fold the chapters
we learned too well

You say
open the tombs of November
we are all teachers
when the sun sets
there are shouts so mute
in there
and my throat is bound
to unearthly words

Your eyes are writing
the last moisture
the fame
for the dessert that will follow
the crescent slain on dunes

You say
open the tombs of November
I wear one of the rings of Saturn
and a very long engagement
is waiting for me
in there
where enough is out of filling
and tasks are empty gallows
my ears are scratched
in my ribs
cathedral buttresses
will welcome echoes

air be quite.

miercuri, 29 august 2018

Să-mi smulgi calea

                                                                       (Foto: Bartek)

dacă am să uit
să mă ridic
ca un fulg de ancoră
din sarea mea nespusă

să-mi smulgi calea
s-o uşti cu braţele ei deschise

şi cum împart totul cu uitarea
îmi va îndrepta plecăciunile
şi-mi va soarbe până şi
şi atunci nu voi mai şti...

dar să-mi smulgi calea
s-o uşti cu braţele ei deschise

voi şti doar să îmbrac arătări
ce cuvântă la fel ca mine
dar numai dacă suflul lor
va umple zâmbetul întors
al amintirii de mine

să-mi smulgi calea
şi verile
să le agăţi
de capătul lor ofilit
într-un cotlon de ploi

căci unde-i veşted
eu ştiu că şade începutul.

luni, 28 mai 2018

Sweet amok of blue

                                                                   (Foto: JackRaz)

I dreamed that I couldn’t olden
a view
and I couldn’t propose a body for
two hearts

Then I looked down the valley
of the keen passages
a seduction pregnant with
skirmishes and
a blessing with a wooden leg
were walking there

it felt like I had lungs
to only breathe within that world
and I suddenly plugged
all the cracks on my body
from which the memory of you
flowed in the form
of small ribs

I watered my cravings until floods
kissed every mistaken volume
shivering questions in lazy mouths
a thorny ether selling sympathy
to a scratched passing
just like a nun in her abandonship
with the cross
just like ashes from my past
blinking in the eyes of playful children
on a sunny day
a promise that will rot like a flower
preserved for its dried beauty
in books unwritten

I think I followed a dirge
a rebellion-like silence
or it was a hermit
revived from a loneliness
that I drove away

We entered a garden
full of arrows
relics from left handed
and he said nothing is fated
but everything’s an epoch
on the side of a dice

Then I looked up
it was somehow blue
sweet amok of blue.

miercuri, 21 martie 2018

Beyondness as a whore

                                                                        (Foto: HellYesArt)

it was on a cold August morning
When I was returning from Bucharest
to my hometown
and after arrival
at 7 AM
I spent a little time in the train station
I smoked a cigar and drank a cup of coffee
walking around and puffing
through misgrown flesh-like advents
destiny stalkers
hearses having pale on pale disscusions
fingers hollowing a beautiful child
stifled, chewed into oblivion
one of them smiled
and said
give me so I can be

I was puffing and mumbling
and watching
then it was certain
that we were all in a cell
where others devoured a heaven sent protein
amongst mills where the brightest ones
were grinding up their ardors
for the good of filth

I heard nothing but
silence like drops of rain
on the roofs of their inner wars
and the need of liberation
was crawling at the bottom
it was beyondness as a whore
sipping from the eves.

sâmbătă, 10 martie 2018

Unsafe cutting of symbols

                                                                (Foto: Daniel Hillier)

she's this tipsy
skin on the wet
morning's soil

and I'm staggering
and watching
for there in the distance
I walk through a qliphoth
stuffed with sunflowers
holding a smoldering
it should be the only
tune for
when we can't...

and at the end of the field
I sense rooted in the mark
of the sheep
I howl that way
I howl this way
and here I am

and watching
this tipsy
skin on the wet
morning's soil

we're just so much flesh
the rest is
devouring backward

believe me
she tickles the earth

with those sloppy, little

go away now
I'll wait here
I have a rosary
with three knots
remember, remember, remember

these are the only
bullets against my gun